GeoIPLookup: Geolocation from the CLI

In order to do a geolookup from the command line, we have to get the GeoIP binary and database installed.


cd /usr/ports/net/GeoIP
make install clean


apt-get install geoip-bin geoip-database


yum install GeoIP GeoIP-data

By default these install the free version of the GeoLite Country binary database (GeoIP.dat) usually in the /usr/local/share or /usr/share directory. You can either copy in a custom version of the database or edit your GeoIP.conf file to enter in your license information.

Performing a Lookup

To perform a lookup you would simply type geoiplookup followed by an IP address, for example let’s look up one of google’s IPs.

GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States

Some Tricks with cat, grep, sed, and xargs

If you have a text file with a list of IP addresses you can instead pass it thru with xargs

cat ./ip_list.txt | xargs -n 1 geoiplookup { }
GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
GeoIP Country Edition: CN, China
GeoIP Country Edition: JP, Japan
GeoIP Country Edition: BR, Brazil
GeoIP Country Edition: SG, Singapore
GeoIP Country Edition: SG, Singapore
GeoIP Country Edition: SG, Singapore

If you have duplicate IPs you can filter them out with sort and uniq:

cat ./ip_list.txt | sort | uniq | xargs -n 1 geoiplookup { }

But that by itself may not be too useful to you. Perhaps you want to get the total number of IPs in a file sorted by the least instances to the most instances of a single country.

cat ./ip_test.txt | sort | uniq | xargs -n 1 geoiplookup { } | sort | uniq -c | sort
   2 GeoIP Country Edition: JP, Japan
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: GB, United Kingdom
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: IP Address not found
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: SG, Singapore
   3 GeoIP Country Edition: UA, Ukraine
   4 GeoIP Country Edition: TH, Thailand
   5 GeoIP Country Edition: KR, Korea, Republic of
   6 GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
   7 GeoIP Country Edition: TR, Turkey
  27 GeoIP Country Edition: CN, China
  28 GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States

If you’re using pf (OpenBSD’s Packet Filter) with pflog, you can even get an output of the most countries that were blocked in your packet filter log with the following command:

tcpdump -ntr /var/log/pflog | awk '{print }' | sed -r 's/ \>.*//g' | \
grep -oE '[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}' | grep -v "" | \
sort -n | uniq | xargs -n 1 geoiplookup { } | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | sed -r 's/ GeoIP Country Edition://g'
   1 AR, Argentina
   1 BB, Barbados
   1 BG, Bulgaria
   1 CA, Canada
   1 CZ, Czech Republic
   1 EU, Europe
   1 HR, Croatia
   1 ID, Indonesia
   1 IE, Ireland
   1 IS, Iceland
   1 IT, Italy
   1 LA, Lao People`s Democratic Republic
   1 LB, Lebanon
   1 PT, Portugal
   1 RO, Romania
   1 UY, Uruguay
   1 VN, Vietnam
   2 BR, Brazil
   2 ES, Spain
   2 IN, India
   2 JP, Japan
   3 FR, France
   3 GB, United Kingdom
   3 IP Address not found
   3 RU, Russian Federation
   3 SG, Singapore
   3 UA, Ukraine
   4 TH, Thailand
   6 DE, Germany
   6 KR, Korea, Republic of
   7 TR, Turkey
  27 CN, China
  29 US, United States

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