Deploying circuits.web with Nginx/uwsgi

May 7th, 2019 No comments »

I’m a very minimal person when it comes to frameworks, I don’t generally like something that needs to generate an entire application file structure like you’d see with Django. When I was searching around for various frameworks to get me started with python and web development, I investigated the usual; DJango, CherryPy, Web.Py. I fell in love with circuits due it’s ease and simplicity, yet it can be quite powerful. This article will show you how to get Nginx setup with uWSGI along with a sample circuits.web application.

Adding Google Sitemap CPanel Firewall Exception

August 5th, 2014 No comments »

If you’ve had any experience with installing Google Sitemap Generator on a Cpanel/WHM based server then you may have run into an issue where port 8181 is not accessible. This is how to get it to work using CSF on a CPanel/WHM server.

Configuring Nginx for Nibbleblog 4.0.3

July 25th, 2014 No comments »

Within is a revised Nginx configuration to utilize friendly urls in NibbleBlog 4.0.3.

Twitter Timeline Feed with PHP & JSON

April 14th, 2013 No comments »

I have had my share of users needing help fixing broken implementations with twitter on their own website, such as pulling from an incorrect url, or using the incorrect twitter API format. Most of the time they are pulling the XML response, but twitter offers a much nicer format that works rather well with PHP; JSON.

Allowing secure WordPress Updates with SSH2

April 2nd, 2013 No comments »

So you want to be able to do automatic updates and plugin/theme installations, but you don’t want to leave your files wide open, or give your unprivileged PHP process too much access around the clock. This guide shows you how to set up wp-config.php with SSH specifically for php use only.

Updated Nginx rules for New W3TC

April 2nd, 2013 No comments »

If you have previously used the W3TC disk-enhanced rules for nginx, you may find that the newest version of W3 Total Cache no longer works with these rules. This new set of rules includes support for W3TC’s own gzipped file naming.

GeoIPLookup: Geolocation from the CLI

November 29th, 2012 No comments »

If you have your own server or use a Linux/BSD desktop at home there’s little reason why you can’t just quickly do a GeoIP lookup from the command line. Here’s how to install it on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and FreeBSD along with a trick or two.

Selective Elevation of PHP in Nginx+WordPress

November 20th, 2012 No comments »

Generally speaking You do not want to give Nginx and/or PHP-FPM too much access to your files, but you might not want to make everything writable to the general www group. However at the same time you may feel a bit lazy and want to be able to selectively allow PHP to perform certain task such as updating wordpress or it’s plugins automatically.

FreeBSD Jail with Single IP

November 11th, 2012 No comments »

You have a FreeBSD VPS with only a single IP, but you wish to utilize the security/isolation of jails such as thru ezjail-admin, what do you do? Utilizing OpenBSD’s PF can allow you to run a FreeBSD Jail and serve your web and ssh traffic directly to the jail.

FreeBSD Update Annoyances [pkg-config-0.25_1]

August 11th, 2012 No comments »

So today I got around to running portmaster again to update to the latest packages, and came across an all too familiar package upgrade error with pkg-config-0.25_1. You may have seen the above before with other updates in the past, this is the quick write up on how to correct this and any future errors of similar nature.